It’s been tough to keep up with a realistic beauty regime during the pandemic. During this time I’ve gone for periodic facials and binge watched Skin Decision on Netflix essentially leaving me with the question of wether or not to stick with my current skin moisturizers. Women in general go through so many changes with their skin that it’s hard to know if what we are using is well suited for your skin needs. Combine that with changing seasonal temperatures and you basically need a personal scientist to tell you what you should be using on your skin.
Enter my experience using Dr. Babor skincare products. After a referral from my good friend Lisa as well as my aesthetician, I was happy to try a new line of products. It was literally the first item to go on my Christmas list (THANK YOU Santa)! This skincare product line is a new type of clinical grade cosmeceuticals meaning that they include higher quality ingredients and less unnecessary fragrances. Based in Europe and made in Germany, the Dr. Babor product line is extensive with many options for many skin types.
So where does one start on the road to improved skin? With a solid moisturizer. I personally LOVE and have been using the Dr. Babor collagen cream moisturizer in place of my regular day cream for over a month and can see a difference in my fine lines. I also observed a noticeable difference in the appearance of my skin’s hydration and plumpness, which is an absolute miracle for someone who lives in the dry Arizona desert. According to my aesthetician, our skin cell turnover rate reduces as we age so that having the right face cream becomes EVEN MORE important.
Most of these products range from $50-300 dollars depending on type and size at many retail beauty stores. Although due to pandemic supply chain issues it’s been easier for me to order these products right from the Dr. Babor website. And if it’s not in your budget or easy to find Dr. Babor products, rest assured you can always find great options at your local drug store, including single use products such as facial scrubs and sheet masks. Which brings me to my next recommendation: ladies, are we exfoliating regularly? Just be sure to pencil this in 1-3 times a week depending on your age, skin type (oily vs dry) and seasonality.
I’m interested to hear about your experience with different beauty products. Has anyone else tried Dr. Babor and like the products or have a recommendation? Please comment down below.